
Structural defects and macroscopic defects of quartz glass

PanRachel 0 Comments

Various impurities are unavoidably introduced during the preparation process of quartz glass, which gives rise to the occurrence of defects in quartz glass and the alteration of its properties. Common defects in quartz glass can be classified into two categories: structural defects and macroscopic defects.

Does quartz tube heating generate radiation?

PanRachel 0 Comments

In conclusion, the radiation generated by the quartz tube heating under normal usage conditions is non-ionizing radiation, and its radiation level is low, which will not cause harm to human health. Therefore, there is no need to be concerned about the health effects of quartz tubes.

Advantages and disadvantages of quartz glass products

PanRachel 0 Comments

The quartz glass product exhibits a multitude of advantageous characteristics, including high transparency, high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, high purity and favourable electrical insulation properties. However, it should be noted that quartz glass also has certain disadvantages, including brittleness, processing difficulty, susceptibility to scratches and sensitivity to ultraviolet light. 

Classification of impurities in quartz products in semiconductor technology

PanRachel 0 Comments

Manufacturers of quartz products typically classify impurities based on the specific application environments. This classification of impurities can be broadly categorized into several types: visible impurities (such as bubbles, gas lines, color spots, and nodules), heavy metals, alkali metals, and hydroxyl groups.

What are the main applications for quartz plates?

PanRachel 0 Comments

Quartz glass plate is a common product of quartz crystal, which exhibits exceptional chemical and thermal stability, thereby rendering them suitable for utilization in a multitude of fields. The following outlines some of the most prevalent applications:

A Summary of the Difference Between Quartz Glass Tubes and Other Common Tubes

PanRachel 0 Comments

Quartz glass tubes are frequently compared with other tubes manufactured from alternative materials. This article has been written with the intention of facilitating an understanding of the differences between quartz glass tubes and other common tubes by presenting a comparative analysis.

Precautions and maintenance of quartz glass tubes in heating furnaces

PanRachel 0 Comments

It is imperative to maintain the furnace tube in a clean and hygienic state, ensuring that no substances capable of reacting with SiO2 are permitted to remain on the furnace tube. In order to extend the operational lifespan of the furnace tube, it is essential to employ the use of a quartz boat as...